A New Generation Of Grape Varieties

To breed new grape varieties that are perfectly adapted to climate change and to different regions in europe, Valentin Blattner works with a lot of different partners in Spain, France, Germany and Switzerland. In the following videos, the international breeding project is presented and explained.

The Vineyard Of The Future: Resistant Grape Varieties In A Working Eco System
Valentin Blattner explains, how a resilient vineyard in an intact ecological system can provide a good crop with a reduced amount of working hours.
The New Generation Of Cabernet: How To Cross-Pollinate A Resistant Grape Vine (Classical Breeding)
Valentin Blattner explains how you breed new grape varieties to get more resistant plants with better features.
Breeding A Long Lasting Resistant Grape Variety With The Right Combination Of Genes
Valentin Blattner explains the importance of multiple resistant genes in a new grape variety.

More videos (with subtitles in various languages):

Delinat-Winzer Albet i Noya geht neue Wege: Robuste Traubensorten im Penedès
Valentin Blattner and Josep Maria Albet i Noya work together to breed new resistant varieties in Penedès, Catalonia.
Forschung am Weincampus Neustadt: Wie resistent sind PIWI-Neuzüchtungen gegen den Mehltau?
In Neustadt, tests are being carried out to see how resistant the new varieties are to the powdery mildew fungus.
Züchtung einer neuen Rebsorte: 15'000 Samen eingepflanzt, um die besten Resistenzgene zu finden
In a seedling field, Valentin Blattner plants thousands of seedlings every year to see how resistant they are.
Nur die Stärksten überleben: Robuste Rebsorten im ultimativen Härtetest
To select the best plants, they are exposed to high disease pressure: Only those with the best resistance survive.
Gesund ohne Pflanzenschutz: Die Eigenschaften einer neuen resistenten Rebsorte
Some newly bred vines are immune to downy and powdery mildew and have great potential for a new grape variety.
Rebenzüchtung mit Valentin Blattner: Neue PIWI-Sorten mit Mehrfachresistenzen gegen Pilzkrankheiten
To ensure long-lasting resistance of the new varieties, as many resistance mechanisms as possible are combined.
Wird der Anbau von robusten Traubensorten (PIWIs) in Spanien bald erlaubt sein?
In Spain, new, resistant grape varieties are still officially banned. Josep Maria Albet i Noya wants to change this.
Nachhaltiger Weinbau im Penèdes: Robuste Rebsorten (PIWIs) als Lösung gegen Klimaextreme
Resistant grape varieties are not only needed in northern countries: they also bring advantages in southern Europe.
Die Geschmacks-Selektion: Mikrovinifikation von neuen Traubensorten bei Albet i Noya
In order to test newly bred varieties for their taste, Josep Maria Albet i Noya vinifies the grapes on a small scale.
Weinherstellung in kleinen Mengen: Mikrovinifikation, Weinanalyse und Degustation von PIWI-Sorten
In Priorat, new grape varieties are vinified and sensory evaluated in a professional setting.